Grafton Police to Conduct Alcohol Compliance Checks During Calendar Year 2025

For Immediate Release

Grafton Police to Conduct Alcohol Compliance Checks During Calendar Year 2025

March 5, 2025

The Grafton Police Department is announcing that they will be conducting compliance checks in the calendar year 2025. Officers from the Grafton Police Department will be conducting compliance checks at all Town licensed alcohol outlets.

The purpose of these compliance checks is to ensure that liquor license holders within the Town of Grafton are complying with the regulations put forth by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABCC) and the Town of Grafton when it comes to underage drinking. The goal of the compliance checks is to reach 100% compliance with our local partners in reducing underage drinking.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research, we know that alcohol is the number one substance problem among youth. The research also shows that the earlier youth begin drinking, the more likely they are to suffer injuries, binge drink and drive drunk. Availability and ease of access are cited as key factors contributing to underage drinking. Frequent oversight of alcohol retailers increases compliance.

As part of these compliance checks, the Grafton Police may have underage operatives without any valid identification attempt to purchase alcohol or underage operatives may present a valid Driver’s License which reflects that the operative is under 21 years of age to be sure that liquor license holders are checking for identification and verifying the information. The ABCC requires that police departments that plan on conducting compliance checks post public notice with the local media. This will serve as public notice for the calendar year 2025.